Saturday, August 14, 2021

"A nation is the dynamic product of the collective consciousness and the pervading conscience of its time"- GunQ

As a nation we like celebrations and holidays and celebrations during holidays, symbolically we never want to be found wanting when everyone else is at something.
That’s why the sales of national flags go over the roof during the second week of August, We adorn the flags and hoist it with glee and pride, only the aftermath is disheartening, we can see flags being thrown around, on the ground and pavements, that’s when to many, the real patriotism comes alive as we try to retrieve, dust them off and try to find a suitable place to hold them.
The same scenario, if taken in the start-up(App) spirit, would mean to start an App to collect and market and retrieve flags with the option of door delivery and collection. 
We celebrate everything and if one notices that such business which capitalised on the celebratory euphoria has become big will again be celebrated.
Remember, traditionally, it has been the festival offers that have been the biggest drivers of growth in Indian consumerism and commerce.

We will tolerate everything as long as it panders to our religions and castes. In fact we will help make it a dynasty, thats how the foreign forces, British traders became our rulers, and some political traders who bargained our transition to Independence became our eventual rulers and those who trade our values, resources and votes are the ones in power ruling us even to this day.. the only right tick that they all have in common is they pandered to our religion by means of collective consciousness and took into confidence the pervading conscience.. 

In the context of Independence, also remember that the first war of Indian Independence was not waged till they touched our religion, The smearing of cartridges with lard that triggered the revolt.
The British learned their lessons, for the next 90 years they played the religious card well and kept the Indians divided and eventually that divided the Nation and unfortunately even the division of the country was made in linguistic terms and not geographic or socio-economic basis.
If only, they had referred to our past and checked what made the society click and evolve into such a supreme power of celebrating human spirit..
They would have realised the basis for the society was the basic education system and under the Gurukul..( teacher's creed) hermitage system there was no distinctions, discrimination or recommendations, it was open to all and open to help generate the spirit of knowledge and humanity).

But, it was not to be, and what succeeded was the manipulative division of religion, language and caste and creed. And once it assumes commercial value, it is impossible to separate or remove.

It is the extension of the similar psyche that we see in many such business pursuits, from good ones like Taxi hailing,food ordering, grocery shopping and online shopping, to the not so good ones like the baap of all these apps... the matrimonial trap. Whether that’s adorable or deplorable depends on which side or end of the spectrum you want to look at.
What spurred the matrimonial Ads and the portals was the divisive cliniging to religion, language, caste, sub-castes and every little detail about them that can actually be repulsive if seen from an outsider’s point of view.

But, there were some smart men who saw the opportunity in the divisiveness and cashed on, its subtle and serves the purpose of people who are hell bent on preserving their lineage, that the apps are advertised on national television and everywhere without anyone noticing anything wrong with it.
Actually it is a blatant advertisement of social biases, linguistic, casteist and religious bigotry.

There is a sense of dread when it comes to living outside of our comfort zone. Change is hard to accept if it is not beneficial or if it is not in accordance to our beliefs, trends and traditions, customs and culture.. We become rigid without realising the universal that the great learned men have always tried teaching us that change is the only constant and evolution is adaptation at the rate of change. 

Similarly, we can be tolerant 
Then we look at what is basis of our pride and why do we celebrate the traditions and culture of this ancient land as well the obvious and most compelling aspect of 15 August the independence from the British.

Then talk of compiling interesting terms to define our nation and our independence even as the rest of the country and the world reeks of divisive hatred and extremism.

It's been 69 years…stepping into 70, our nation and our identities within and with regard to our country, our neighbours and the world is as complex and as interesting as the number 69 itself..
And it seems so clear and yet so different from the reality.
One link connecting the six to the nine could make it infinitely engaging and enduring as flipping it any side would be meaningful and relevant, yet there is a void and the gap is indefinite and deluding, 
Six is past and nine is ahead and we are stuck between them in what seems like a steep climb without a ladder.
We can neither strike the balance by staying where we are nor get off one and step on to another
Yet, it is a significant number and as a nation we have made big strides in the general upkeep and honour the values of democracy.

It's a strife-ridden world and there is chaos everywhere.
But every animal needs to identify patterns and make sense of its surroundings to live and perpetuate.. But, we humans seem to have a liking for pattern that far transcends our existence and forays into a realm of understanding and making sense of things around us sometimes to the extent of obsession and extremism because we have no compelling and immediate survival concerns.
To seek order is fine, but amidst the chaos, that we seek to strike to draft a definite order to our individual or group’s liking is what assumes extreme proportions and prompts individuals and groups and communities to engage in mindless and destructive pursuits that not only goes against survival but against the humanity and values that we hold as humans. That's the saddest part; our quests are limited to our notions and biases and our patriotism and loyalty to the flags, displays and statuses on our phones and social media.

We are in a tricky phase in our lives… The nation is enduring another tough phase and the world at large is at cross roads, what is that one single thing that keeps everyone prepped to push hard and Strive for the better?

And what is the definition of better? What’s the reference?
Is it the standings in International events, seminars, programs and showcase events like the world cup and the Olympics?
Or is it the development index on economy and political listing?
Or is it the development Index and happiness index or human development index? Shouldn’t the way an ordinary citizen feels on an ordinary day under ordinary circumstances and an extra ordinary event or crisis in their lives determine the standings of the nation, in our scale and consciousness?

There are many who ask, are we better off now ? 
In the midst of such shocking incidents being reported from many places including the NCR and the national capital? 
Women's safety is a BIG question !
Minorities and celebrity wives don't feel safe ?
Kashmir is boiling and some say there is general apathy towards Kashmir ..
The north east has Indians who are cut off both geographically and in every sense?
Every major city is deluged in chennai like floods of civic and infrastructure problems and each one is just a spell away from being exposed in their exploitation or resources and lack of viable recourses.
The gap is ever widening between the economic extremes even as the middle class is bugling right in the middle with its own problems of plenty..and the problems aplenty.
The government is good that there are no reported financial scams, but the reports of rights abuse and acts of violence against women, minorities and people of Vedic Varna insignificance and against those that do not fall under the regular xx,xy notion and the ever baneful religious, social, economic, intellectual and cultural hyphenations..
All these are as scary if not more damaging than the financial scams.

But there is no doubt we as a nation are definitely better off now than ever and better poised to better times than we ever were aware of .. Yet, we again find ourselves chained in many ways which are not of any external oppression or subjugation but the makings and machinations of our own people.
We fought for freedom from the British but chose to impose slavery upon ourselves through our elected representatives and big businesses and global corporations.
More importantly to our own collective mediocrity form which we never want to rise or emerge. We would rather be erring followers than rightful and responsible citizens who take leadership in society and nation building.

Even the most important aspect in determining the rise of the next generation is now over commercialised and has become a production line to cater to the whims of the global corporations.

If there was one sure fire liberator, it was Education, awareness and empowerment. But, sadly that is all now a part of the commercial juggernaut that cares not for the individual or the society but only what is required by the powers to be and their colluding masters helming major corporations and businesses with vested interests.

Education at all levels is eroded of the very essence of India and our great plural culture and open-minded society and social structure of the yore. It is only through that we can connect to our past and hold the present from going astray and ensuring the future is secure.

It was so profoundly far reaching practice of Ancient India to have a culture of education where students from all strata came together in a hermitage like set up with wholesome concepts of everything and a non fundamental approach was accorded to even the most intriguing of subjects and everyone was encouraged to read and learn about everything till such time as they could choose a particular line or discipline to specialise in .. We should in some way or the other revive that system.. We should be involved in education and empowerment of the children and protection of long lost practices and engage in continued persuasion of the young and the old to look at things holistically and do the right thing.
That is to understand the world and the world of knowledge and use the knowledge to seek wisdom even as they engage in the worldly affairs and embark on their unique journeys in life at the same time seeking real meaning, sustaining the spirit to investigate, explore and express oneself in the best way possible, thus leaving behind meaningful moments and a purposeful life and an enduring legacy for now and the future.

If Religion is the opium of the masses, reason is the antidote.
If Politics is the last resort of scoundrels, policing them is the way.
If ignorance is the cause of suffering and poverty, education and awareness is the panacea.
If Patriotism is love of one's country, then,
following Sanathana dharma, a Karmayogi a patriot of the world.


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