The new independence
As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of our independence from the British empire, we are facing chaotic times and an uncertain future.
It is time we recognise what Independence actually means to us as a nation..
Not just by definition, but in essence and reality.
The message has to be sent across to all people from the remotest tribes to the most radicalised, in all languages and for all people as a basic tenet as a citizen and should be made relevant and evident in every process and step in our daily life and reinforced every time we use a government issued document or deal with the administrative machinery as an Indian. Being Indian should not just be pride or a privilege but an identity that signifies respect and dignity to all resolve and resourcefulness and rather than reclaiming the past glory it must be realigning to the best and being relevant to the present as we strive towards a progressive future for all.
Highlighting not just the place, caste and religion as identity but crucial aspects such as
Humanity, Dignity, Freedom, Liberty, Respect, Responsibility and Resourcefulness as the seven cardinal principles of our identity as an Indian.
In HUMANITY, we shall see all people on the planet as one and must have all the considerations, consistency and commitment to treat everyone as humans first and engage ourselves in practising humanity over everything else.
In DIGNITY, we shall see respect for all as designated divinity and shall only hold everyone as Human and find accord and acceptance without pride or prejudice and extend to all, due respect, regard and reasonable behaviour to uphold their dignity at all times.
In FREEDOM, we shall see ability with responsibility and action with consequences.
Maintains Restraint when in position of power or privilege, being thoughtful while exploring life with inspiration, Bringing commitment and when doing things for others and being open to inquiry, investigation and inquest when in office and self regulate general conduct that affects someone in some way other than in privacy but not against natural and implicit laws.
In LIBERTY, we shall see sanity in what is right as a matter of impact and shall uphold what is rightful and towards others what is of greater good as we shall use discretion on what is rightfully ours and is right in everyone’s sense and shall not use persona liberty in violation of others’ liberty.
In RESPECT, we shall see respect and regard for all people, all places and all living things that share our environment and appreciate the differences as a mark of diversity rather than division. And extend the basic courtesies and utmost respect for all and especially be cognisant not to disrespect young children, women and older adults and all those who need our collective protection for them to ensure dignity, modesty and overall respect.
In RESPONSIBILITY, we shall see everything as having a purpose and a value over and beyond mere money, material and resources for consumption, for commerce and for conveyance that is based on greater good and non exploitation, which comes before every personal right other than protection, preservation and upholding of life and for what we shall utilise which is rightful and reasonable while being accountable for what we use for ourselves with the understanding that it is part and from the shared and limited resources and will be sustainable ,meant for all, for now and for the future.
In RESOURCEFULNESS, we shall see our job as not limited to making a livelihood and not just something that meets the needs of us and our family alone but as an endeavour and engagement in ensuring that our enterprise and manifest actions and deeds add value to our people in our neighbourhood, our society, our nation and environment and while being useful to humanity it is by no means harmful and deleterious to other life or to planet earth as a whole.
We shall live in pursuit of liberty, but shall not fall to greed and insanity
We shall fight for freedom from hunger, from exploitation and desolation but shall ensure it does not alienate others and will not contradict humanity.
We shall strive for Dignity, but shall ensure it is for all and not achieved by shaming, blaming or defaming someone else.
We shall seek and hold sacrosanct, the Respect, in all places and for all people, regardless of privilege, prejudice and position and will always remember, no matter what misfortune is accustomed or inherited by people, it is only thanks to the misdeeds, malpractices and failings of the those in power and not due the lack of effort by them.
We are privileged to have the opportunity,
while they stand underprivileged and marginalised in many ways for no fault of theirs and perhaps,
it is their opportunity that has become our privilege, even if not, in all fairness they deserve a shot at life, an opportunity to thrive and a right to live and pursue their dreams.
As we celebrate our independence,
Spare some thoughts to the people of the world, and the conundrum that we are all facing thanks to the gross mismanagement and misuse of the inherent trust of the people by their respective governments, institutions and persons Incharge.
The truth about the whole Covid-19 pandemic?
The restrictions and the impositions, the rules and the lockdowns forcing us to change our ways and abiding by what is advised in the anticipation and hope that is shall reduce human toll and facilitate recovery.
And after two years of turmoil and restraint, it gave in, prompting recent protests, and yet, the majority of the world’s people have followed or tried to follow basic guidelines while half of the world has taken vaccines.
Yet, there are conspiracy theories and concerns on our well-being and basic rights, but the scientific, the medical and legal community is still divided and there is barely any sense of understanding, awareness and right information for people.
And while the many miscreants in the social media play with sinister, exploitative and sometimes silly contradictions to spread fear and uncertainty, the mainstream media is selective, self serving and downright contradictory while trying to sensationalise, commercialise and politicise the news most of the times, even as people are kept in dark and in delusion about the most important topics without ever getting the right information.
Does it really take a miracle and greater effort to investigate, analyse and create scientific fact based awareness than to launch satellites and explore opportunities in everything from birth to death while we are being misled, and tantalising us with advancements in consumeristic commercial technology In mobility, connectivity and mindless consumption and exotic pursuits like space tourism while our planet’s basic equilibrium is in disarray and the essentials of survival are getting ripped layer by layer as we see widespread tensions and turmoil, be it from the virus to vaccine, lawlessness and disrupting balance in social, economic, political and financial aspects prompting a vicious endless tide of vicissitudes including climate change and human triggered natural disasters.
As we have endured hapless living in perceived independence and purported dignity and fragile safety, we have seen dysfunctional systems, inadequate infrastructure and inept administration and management of everything from health to habitation, from economy to ecology and the degradation of environment and life.
And have realised that it is easier to scare than to empower, confuse rather than provide clarity, radicalise rather than rationalise, harm than to reform, reproach than to redeem and to disrupt rather than establish and that has grown into a total sense of disconnect and dissonance towards reality and requirement leading us to binge eat unhealthy food and binge watch unimpressive content and become unconscious consumers dragging us into a cesspool of mutual hatred and anti-human tendencies destroying the very essence of humanity.
We have quietly watched many a nation ravaged in mindless wars which could have easily been averted with a few committed nations coming together and ensuring a peaceful transition rather and conflicts, the latest being Syria, and now look at the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan.
The alarming disinterest and indifference of the world community, with the 20 year armed struggle costing 2 trillion dollars and so many lives, there has been barely a few days since the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces for the the rapid disintegration of the defences and for the remarkable resurgence of the Taliban, the ineffectiveness of the Afghan forces and the turmoil and helplessness of the average Afghani women and men.
No Foreign oppression, but domineering domestic bigotry and dissonance based on extremism, ethnicity and religious politics for absolute power alienating their own people from basic freedom and human rights.
We can choose to stay aloof, disinclined and stationed in our comfort zones assuming things happening elsewhere are not going to affect us, but with every rogue nation, those waiting ravenously find a safe haven with the ideal infrastructure to forge their breeding grounds for terrorising and tarnishing humanity with their crippling mindset,
conflicting ideologies and endless ammunition to wage a covert war on the civilised world.
A world enveloped in a cascading crusade against an incorrigible virus with effects in every aspect of life and livelihood, the subcontinent uncomfortably watching another Syria unfold in our neighbourhood, untold suffering in Afghanistan, thanks to a roaring resurrection of a regressive regime which is not just a factor of a few rogue nations sponsoring extremism and terrorism in the name of religion but also the obvious failure of a multi trillion dollar offensive spurred by the Cold War politics, sustained by multiple leaderships and countries, cacaine and poppy wars and dabbling in dollars all were rendered vain when it came to establishing a basic sustainable democracy in a country with such a rich history in diversity and culture.
It took the indoctrination campaign of a seasoned military machinery to incite the people and take up arms and now the very same system is offering countenance to do the contrary and this this the offensive is against their own.
The fight for Freedom however holy in ideology and religion, if it is not based on or targeted towards humanity is bound to fail, no matter how big the players, how long the offensive, and how sophisticated the weapons, when it is forged in ammunitions and sustained by power dynamics, etched in polarity and ethnic oppression, freedom is no longer free from prejudice, factionalism and extreme measures and becomes inherently oppressive and self destructive.
Being a powerful voice of sanity for whole of humanity, one which professed and practiced unfettered human dignity, being a nation with the longest history of universal brotherhood and multiculturalism, it is time for India to lead the way, if the soul of the world to rise and awaken, then the most enduring must come to the fore.
Not in a war cry to proclaim superiority but as a bellwether of human values and conscious living showing the path of conscientious activism and sustainable value system in a circular culture where every action benefits everyone and ensures no one is discriminated, marginalised or oppressed and where progress is scientific, sustainable and inclusive.
Our 75 years of independence is based on atleast 7500 years of experience in human excellence.
We have to realise the reasoning, rationale and reassurance to combat radicalism, recidivism and racism.
We must use the ancient wisdom combined with the reformist zeal and encouragement to reset the society and in our progressive leadership set an example on the best way forward.
We shall live in pursuit of liberty, but shall not fall to greed and insanity
We shall fight for freedom from hunger, from exploitation and desolation
We shall strive for Dignity, but shall ensure it is for all and not achieved by shaming, blaming or defaming someone else
We shall seek Resect, in all places and for all people, regardless of privilege, prejudice and position and remember that the misfortune was inherited by misdeeds and malpractices rather than by merit
We shall seek excellence and progress but shall ensure it does not alienate others and will not contradict common good and humanity
In essence, our life and strife will be above and beyond the selfish and narrow path of the recent past that brought in so many social and economic ills and rather be based on the ancient, timeless wisdom of a society that is classless yet committed, casteless but confident, exquisite in values but inclusive in ideals and interactions, is simple in living with sophisticated in thoughts and actions taking everyone along to a higher plane of existence and human endeavour that far outweighs all benefits that comes in the form of radicalism, racism and other forms of elitism in both impact and effect with the greatest good for the greatest number of people without alienation, discrimination or differences of any kind other than based on digressions limitations of law and impositions therein that’s in place for the protection of all.
True freedom is being independent in spirit, inclusive in action, conscientious in thought, consistent in effort and conscious in living. -GunQ
15th August 2021
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